A central theme to our investment strategy is in our brand.



"Alternative Thinking - Brighter Tomorrow"



We believe its time to start thinking beyond the age old 60/40 rule for retirement planning or "buy and hold" as a strategy.  With greater stock market volatility, low bond yields, and ever moving geo-economical shifts, these oversimplified approaches are increasingly under pressure to manage risks and preserve wealth. New approaches to portfolio and investment allocation are in demand and central to our strategy.

While traditional equities like stocks, bond, and mutual funds are important investment tools, investing is not so black or white and increasingly, diversification beyond the traditional and more active investment management is key to managing risk and maximizing returns.

At Staines Financial, we compliment more traditional investment strategies by layering in decades of alternative investing experience to help build, manage, and diversify our clients investment portfolios.





Strategy at-a-glance: Themes & Principles


Strategic Themes

  • Investment Diversification Strategies

  • Equity & Fixed Income Strategies

  • Alternative Investment Strategies 


  • Emphasis on long-term, risk-adjusted total return

  • Management and control of risk through diversification & decorrelation to broader markets

  • Preservation of capital


Strategic Focus

  • Identify attractive global & domestic economic trends and themes; apply due diligence to identify trend correlated traditional and alternative investments.

  • Minimize volatility by diversifying investment portfolios across sector, industry, geography, private vs public access.

  • Actively pursue well established, actively managed, and outperforming private equity real estate funds, hard asset funds, and private credit & debt funds.

  • Strategically use cash and fixed income investments to balance portfolios.

  • Gain access for qualified and/or accredited individual investors to investments traditionally reserved for institutional investors.

  • Selectively use traditional securities and mutual funds aligned to overall growth trends.

  • Incorporate Alternative Investments that can help build more resilient portfolios that seek to maximize returns by diversifying risk.


Diversified investment portfolios are developed using your unique goals combined with our best investment ideas, relying on in-depth research by our analysts and advisors.                                                                   



Our Strategy: An Alternative Perspective


Proactive asset allocation strategies requires a dynamic and comprehensive approach to help create attractive long term risk-adjusted returns and balancing in short- to mid-term opportunities through active investment portfolio management of individual assets/investments as well as active portfolio weighting of investment correlated industry, geographic focus, or fund management. Clients benefit from our active and objective approach to portfolio construction and diversification with access to a broad range of investment strategies across a variety of combinations of individual securities, specialized hedge funds, funds of funds, and asset classes.


A long-term strategy with a focus on alternatives

At Staines Financial, we believe the best way to build and protect your financial future is with a long-term approach to investing that's dynamic (not static) in nature.  Furthermore with market volatility ever present and every shifting geo-political/economic environments, we believe a truly diverse portfolio is one that includes alternative investments to help achieve an overall better balance of investments (and associated risks) to achieve long term growth and preservation of wealth. 


Today more than ever, alternatives should be part of the core


Alternative investments offer opportunities that traditional 60/40 portfolios do not. Consider  alternative strategies that can help provide diversification or seek to amplify returns through access to private markets and investments historically reserved for institutional investors.



Alternative investment strategies such as private equity, real estate, real assets and hedge funds/funds of funds are being increasingly used by institutional investors to help achieve both return and diversification goals.


Through our research and experience, we evaluate and identify top money managers in the alternatives space with a history of solid performance and only bring those passing our internal review process to our clients and investment portfolios.  


We take a measured approach to allocating to alternative strategies, and aligning these with clients’ investment goals and risk profiles. It is because of this thoughtful, intentional approach, and our unwavering pursuit of performance, that our clients trust Staines Financial to invest their more than $150 Million across our investment and alternative strategies.


Our alternative investment strategies include:


  • Private markets

  • Real assets

  • Real estate and real estate funds

  • Interval funds (private equity real estate, credit, and debt funds)

  • Hedge funds & funds of funds


Our focus on quality


With 40+ years of combined experience, we know what quality looks like. Our team of advisors and investment research uses a curated process for conducting investment due diligence to recommend traditional and alternative investments that we believe will perform well over time and reduce overall portfolio risk – no matter what turbulence faces the markets. That’s why we  focus on quality investments with a track record of delivering results that bring you closer to where you want to be.


In Summary


We recognize that the money we manage represents the hard work and savings of real people like you. That's why we value what you work hard to achieve and work to deliver real, lasting value. 

While we believe in diversification as a strategy, we also understand it can’t protect against all losses but can help reduce risk. That's why our strategy is built around developing and actively managing investment portfolios that include different types of investments that compliment each other to reduce overall risk and correlation with the broader markets, while working to achieve attractive, stable returns while building wealth.



Start your journey with Staines Financial Today!  




Please remember that all investments carry some degree of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested.  As with any type of portfolio management strategy, attempting to reduce risk or increase return could at times inadvertantly reduce returns.

 In general, alternative investments involve a high degree of risk, including but not limited to potential loss of principal. They can also be less liquid investment and can charge higher fees than other investments.  Some alternative investments are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as other, more common, registered investment products.